CETX Program

Piloted in 2023 with DOE support as an American-Made Challenge Energy Program for Innovation Clusters (EPIC) winner, CEBIP Clean Energy Technology Transfer (CETX) creates a pipeline and expands the network of clean energy innovation from intellectual property (IP) to commercial feasibility.

Solution-driven vs IP-driven – by market discovery required to filter to an area of focus for each round, CETX matches each clean energy need with DOE national lab (NL) patents and partners. CETX Fellows lead the discovery and diligence progressing from an immersive student experience to future energy leaders.

  • Improved patent search process – by identifying IP that may span multiple NLs.
  • Future innovator creation – by collaborating with regional universities and partners.
  • Expanded impact network – by being receptive to the goals and interests of entities at the NL, corporate, and start-up levels.
  • Expanded expertise – by adding researchers, and industry and utility experts.
  • Adaptive programming – by recognizing when to pause, when to pivot, when to reset milestone expectations, and when to push forward.

CETX 2023-2024